i did'nt make this cake - wish i had that much talent though
This is for my sister whose birthday is today!
I'm not going to say how old she is, that's not important, but i do wish i could order this cake from her favorite cake shop in NYC - The Cupcake Cafe and send it to her but i guess you'll have to be satisfied with a picture instead and is'nt it not the most beautifully decorated !! . Besides, B, her wonderful hubby, is getting her a cake tonight.
Wish i were there when you blow out all the candles! Don't worry, there's not that many, hee hee! So make a wish, make it a good one, and have an extra piece for me!!
Happy Birthday to you, and many more....
Other people born on this day: Kim Novak (74), Stockyard Channing (63), Peter Tork (65)Wow, Peter from the Monkees is a senior citizen!! OMG!, Peter Gabriel (57), Oliver Reed (would have been 79).
Here is a funny blurb about Mr. Oliver Reed, one of the famous drunks of all time:
He was famous for his excessive drinking, and was once forced to leave the set of the Channel 4 television discussion programme After Dark after arriving drunk and attempting to kiss feminist writer Kate Millett. On another occasion he removed his trousers during an interview.
THANK YOU very much for the wonderful birthday wishes and bday blog!
(and to everyone who called me and wished me a happy birthday!)
Hubby bought me a B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
cake, it was so yummy!
The Cupcake Cafe cake looks beautiful too.
I had a great day!
I don't even mind how old I am, it's just a number.
Your most welcome, sis!
how much do you think that cake would cost, anyway?
it looks almost too good to ruin by eating, well almost..
OOo such a beautiful cake! definately too pretty to eat!
I am in deep love with Peter Gabriel... Did you make that cake?? Happy B-day Carol... It is the Black Apple's birthday too. Funny, so many b-days....You are a great sis.
Happy birthday to my sweet friend Carol! How I wish I could have been there too with you on this special day!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, thanks everybody!
Just think of the party we could have had!
Ya, it's great to share a birthday with Peter Gabriel, he is one of my fav musicians, and Oliver Reed and I shared the same bithday too, he was so cool, one of our great actors and drunks of all time.
The cakes at the Cupcake Cafe are VERY expensive, it's probably over a hundred bucks anyway.
My cake is soooo amazing, dark chocolate with dark chocolate ganouch and fresh raspberries and blackberries on top and a thick cream in the middle with berries mixed in, so rich and I'm going to have a peice right now!!!!
I'll send you a video today of it
oooh that cake sounds soo gooood!
lucky you!
i made Martha Stewart brownie cupcakes yesterday - so ooeey
gooeey rich and dense!
that's funny about Oliver Reed - great drunk of all time- haha!
Oli loved drinking, brawling and lived life with gusto, as he once put it. He was infamous for his antics.
What a loss of a great actor/man. I had such a crush on him too! (Before hubby of course!)
I just called the Cupcake Cafe to inquire how much a 9" cake is and it's approx. $60, not too bad. Maybe I'll order one some day, maybe next time you visit with Mom or Cathy. Sounds good!
I wish I had ordered one for my wedding, DARN!
Oliver Reed was quite the character. I had a good chuckle over reading the blurb i added about him kissing a feminist and taking off his trousers during the interview!
Oh, that's not so bad for the cake - $60!
Order it for your 10th Wedding Anniversary!
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